
Experts agree that the #1 non-invasive way to rapidly improve your smile is whitening! Over the years, teeth can lose their sparkle from age, foods, drinks, and smoking. If your smile is looking a little dim, consider whitening.

Safe and effective, there are two methods that can be used: in-office (rapid) and take-home trays. The take-home tray method (which use impressions to create custom-made trays) precisely fit your teeth. Or, you can get a quick start by trying the in-office method. Strong and controlled, the in-office option gives you a boost to kick-start your whitening.

Call us today to schedule or ask your dental provider if this treatment is right for you!

Kor Whitening System

Widely recognized as the world's most effective teeth whitening system, KoR offers cost-effective solutions for both home and in-office whitening.

Take-Home Whitening

Your treatment starts with impressions that are taken of your teeth for trays specifically made to fit you mouth by the KoR premier lab. Once your trays are completed, we will have you back for an additional appointment to discuss how simple it is to take care of your whitening needs in the comfort of your own home. 

In-House Whitening

Do you have an event for which you wish you had a sparkling smile, like, yesterday? Have you been told that you are a difficult case? Consider our quick-start, in-office treatment prior to using trays at home! Our KoR jumpstart session can get you ahead of the game by applying the KoR whitening material in a safe clinical setting.